How to Turn Your Clients from ‘Meh’ to ‘OMG, I Love You!’
More is Better? We talk about clients in terms like having “better” ones, not “more” of them. What do we mean? You might have a lot of clients, but if you’re wasting time on “Pain in the Butt” relationships, we
Hire Smarter: How to Find the Right Fit for Your Team
Hiring for Success Hiring staff can be a hit-or-miss proposition. It’s common to feel proud of a new employee when they come on board, but the novelty can wear off quickly when you realize they aren’t right for your organization.
The Myth of Productivity
How do you define productivity? Completing tasks Checking one more item off the list Doing more than you did yesterday Adding one more thing to your day A feeling of accomplishment A Better Definition A meaningless task doesn’t become more
Keeping BOB at Bay
What is Business Owner Burnout (BOB)? If you are a business owner, you might feel it coming…you feel stressed out. All. The. Time. Work piles up, deadlines are missed, emails are left unopened, and phone calls are not returned. Maybe
Goal Setting Made Simple
All the Goals, All the Time Business owners set goals – monthly, quarterly, yearly goals – and they achieve their goals, right? Everything gets checked – done! Well… If you’re like most businesses, including ours, you don’t check off all
A step-by-step guide on how to do informational interviews and gather insights that will help you grow your business.
The Informational Interview What is the most effective (and free) tool for businesses to learn about their customers? An informational interview. This will transform your sales and marketing approach by expanding your knowledge of your target market. You will